Friday, July 5, 2013


My name is Kate McCarthy, I'm a chemical engineering student minoring in mechanical engineering entering into my fifth year at Northeastern University. I wanted to be on this dialogue since I have completed two previous coops in alternative energy technology.  The first at A123 Systems working on commercial use lithium ion batteries and the second at Ambri, working with large grid storage batteries. Post graduation I would like to continue in this field and hope that I can translate some of the things I learn from both the class and field visits to my future job. 
Since arriving to Brazil, we have experience many aspects of their culture that differ from ours. An example of this is the way that they enjoy their meals. At home, my friends, family, and I all will eat together at either a restaurant or at home and hurry through our meals. Brazilians, sit for hours during meals, talking and savoring their food, rather than eating as fast as they can and leaving. Especially coming from an Italian family, who essentially races to the finish of meals, this will take some getting used to. 

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