Wednesday, July 10, 2013

HW #4: Power Surge

In the movie, Power Surge, they propose the solution to the energy crisis to be through energy technological innovation. With our current societal energy demands not one source of renewable or sustainable energy will be capable of meeting our large request and maintain our current carbon levels. Therefore, they suggest that in order to halt our carbon emission and sustain the current amount of carbon we are inputting into the atmosphere we as a society must use several technology in parallel with each other. The four main categories that were focused on were efficiency, nuclear power, cleaning up coal plants, and harnessing the sun’s power. Efficiency can be addressed through increasing fuel millage with vehicles which would provide customer savings, nuclear power through re-examining our current plants and constructing safer plants, cleaning up coal by removing and burying it’s harmful carbon emissions, and harnessing the sun through the use of solar panels and wind turbines.
            I agree with their assessment of how to solve the energy crisis through the use of innovative energy technologies. With our current nation’s energy needs and expectations for a standard of living, it is not reasonable to believe that we would be able to solve this problem through moderating or cutting back significantly on our usage. Because of that, we must find a means to maintain this lifestyle while also stabilizing out current carbon input into our atmosphere through the use of technology. We currently have the capability to greatly reduce our carbon footprint nationally as well as globally; with one of the major obstacles holding us back being economics. As they stated in the movie, technologies such as developing fuel from yeast waste, fabricating a material that mimics how plants remove carbon and photovoltaic cells are fully functional just not at a cost most Americans are willing or even able to pay. The incentives that some companies and individuals such as Richard Branson are offering for advancements are an effective means to accelerate the race to develop a commercially viable and economically feasible product.
            The effects on the environment, society, and economy were addressed accurately when they considered what alternative energies to use. With the fuel derived from yeast and sugar they discussed the astronomical cost of production and how even a billionaire would not be capable of affording such a fuel. The same goes for photovoltaic cells, where China is working around the clock to produce solar cells that will maximum efficiency and therefore save the consumer money. Briefly they addressed societal effects stating that people are resistant to “ruining” their backyards with ugly renewable energies without thinking through the full effect of them not even having a livable backyard in the future. With re-examining nuclear power plants both the societal and environmental impacts were assessed. After what happened in Japan people are scared of the possibility of another reactor exploding which new plants are aiming to subdue through the use of emergency cooling systems. Environmentally, how nuclear power waste would be disposed of is a major setback with this technology and how to safety remove waste was discussed.

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