Friday, July 5, 2013

HW #1: Carbon Footprint

My total estimated greenhouse gas emission per year is 43 tons of CO2.

  • Home energy: 39 tons of CO2/ year, 91.3%
  • Driving and flying: 2.2 tons of CO2/ year, 5.1%
  • Food and diet: 0.6 tons of CO2/ year, 2.2%
  • Recycling and waste: 0.9 tons of CO2/ year, 1.5%
Compared to the average person, my total and percent usage is lower for driving and flying and food and diet. My home energy usage is significantly higher for my home energy which consumes the majority of my usage. For recycling and waste it is similar to the average person. As a whole, my usage is significantly higher than the average person, most likely as a result of living in a four bedroom apartment.

Compared to the world average, 5.5 tons of CO2/ year, my energy usage is almost an order of magnitude greater.

For my home energy usage, I could decrease it by living in a smaller apartment and installing energy efficient light bulbs. I don't have control over the large appliances in a rented apartment but I could buy smaller items, such as a toaster or a microwave that are energy star rated. For recycling and waste, I recycle when convenient but I could place a bin in my apartment to collect all recyclable products and dispose of them in the proper receptacles. Driving and flying, I could reduce the amount of long flights I take each year. And lastly, for food and diet, I can be more conscience of buying only organic products.

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