Sunday, July 7, 2013

HW #3: An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth Questions:
  1. The image titled “Earth Rise”, which is the first photo taken of the earth from space partially eclipsed by darkness.
  2. The atmosphere is the most vulnerable part of the earth system.
  3. The atmosphere is as thick as a layer of varnish on a globe.
  4. It can be a good thing because trapping the infrared radiation in the earth’s atmosphere provides stable and livable conditions on earth.
  5. Trapping infrared radiation can be a bad thing because it leads to global warming.
  6. 40% of people depend on glacial melt for their drinking water.
  7. By studying ice cores, one can determine how much CO2 was in the atmosphere when that snow was made and can act as a thermometer.
  8. There is a direct relationship between carbon dioxide and atmospheric temperature. As the amount 
  9. The 10 hottest years on earth have occurred during the past 14 years.
  10. As the water temperature increases, the wind velocity also increases.
  11. Over the last few decades, Lake Chad has dried up almost completely.
  12. More than 90% of the sun radiation gets reflected by the ice.
  13. Ocean and wind currents redistribute energy from the equator to the north and south poles.
  14. If the ice sheets of Western Antarctica were to melt, the sea level would raise approximately 20 feet.
  15. Three factors causing the collision between civilization and earth are:
    1. The scientific and technological revolution
    2. Population
    3. Way of thinking
  16. 30% of global carbon dioxide emissions come from forest fires.
  17. The USA is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
  18. The USA has the lowest government standards for gas mileage of automobiles.
  19. The two nations that have not signed the Kyoto Protocol are the USA and Australia.

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